Treated products


Golden Delicious​

Apple with an unmistakable color, the flesh is crisp and juicy and the taste is vaguely acidic.


Apple from the intersection of Red Delicious and Virginia Rails Genet, the taste is sweet and the flesh is very dense.

Granny Smith

Apple born from a natural cross between the apple tree and the apple tree. Granny Smith is crunchy, juicy and not very sugary.



Apple more prococe than the Golden Delicious from which it comes. Ideal for those who love sweet taste. Ideal for those who love sweet taste.


Morgenduft / Dallago / Braeburn

Ideal for those who love sweet taste.

Stark / Red Chief

Apple in high demand and consumed. Unmistakable bright red color and sweet taste.

Pink Lady

Apple with a particular flavor reminiscent of vanilla, rose and spices.


Apple of ancient origins slightly flattened rust color. Very pleasant both raw and cooked in desserts.


Crimson Snow

Apple characterized by exotic notes in flavor and slow oxidation.


Apple very particular as it is red inside. Excellent also nutritional values. Excellent also nutritional values.



Excellent also nutritional values.


Apple born from the intersection of Gala and Braeburn. The uniform red color and the large size give it a healthy and inviting.




The Abate Fetel is a variety with big fruit and has the unmistakable elongated shape. The skin is green-yellowish, rusty with an over-pink colour. The flesh is white, coarse-grained and crunchy, melting, very juicy, sugary and aromatic. It has a very particular flavor, with flavored nuances that make it unique and recognizable among the pears.


The Decana - characterized by the roundish shape, with the skin that, in the part exposed to the sun, can turn reddish - is appreciated as one of the most valuable pears for fresh consumption: the flesh is very fine and, when ripe, becomes melting and juicy, with a sweet and aromatic taste.


Also known as Bartlett and Bon Chretien, the Williams pear is one of the most consumed and appreciated varieties of this fruit. Of English origin but cultivated remarkably also in Italy, the pear Williams is used both natural and in the industrial field to realize juices and jams. This quality of pear is characterized by an average size and a color of the skin that can turn between yellow and green, presenting several lenticels. The flesh is whitish and juicy, the taste sweet with a sour tip.


Kaiser pears have a medium-large size and a shape characterized by an oblong neck, a long and thick petiole, a rusty cinnamon or tobacco-coloured skin that tends to yellow during the period of full ripeness. The flesh is white, slightly grainy but very aromatic and sugary.


The Conference pear is a medium-sized fruit with an elongated flask shape. It has a green/yellow bronzed skin and a very sweet ivory flesh, little acidulous and with a very pleasant taste.

Santa Maria

Typical summer pear, quite juicy and characterized by high productivity and early fructification. SKIN: smooth, yellow-green, with red overdye at insolation; PULP: white.


It is a big fruit with a short and short petiole and with an elongated pyriform shape, medium-small. It has large lenticels and has a shaded red color on a green background. The flesh is slightly fine, aromatic and juicy, has a white color and has a slightly acidic taste.



It is a yellow-pulp kiwi, with an intense and golden color, good caliber and consistency and with a unique flavor, aromatic, with notes of pineapple, strawberry, apricot and blueberry.


The Hayward green kiwi is the most famous medium-late variety of kiwi: the tender flesh and the unmistakable taste, given by the sweet-sour contrast, are the fundamental characteristics of this nourishing and tasty fruit with an ovoid shape.

Red Kiwi

Red Kiwi is an interesting variety of kiwi with red-skinned fruits and pulp, where live red seeds are normally found. Prolific with particularly tasty fruits, sweet and smooth skin. Durable, medium-sized, purple red when well exposed to the sun.

Italian strawberries

Italian strawberries


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